Homeward bound??
We've been temporary residents of IL now for almost 3 months and in the last week, we've been longing for home more than ever. Its just...time.
We're currently scheduled to leave this apt. next weekend and either move in to a hotel/store our stuff/bring the cat to temporary digs because she won't be allowed to be in a hotel, or go home. As you can imagine, I'm working realllly hard to go home.
Some issues have come up this morning with Mark's big project that could mean we'll be here quite a while longer...or we may be going home in the next 48 hours. The thought of being in a hotel room for 4-8 weeks just sounds like hell on earth at this juncture.
I'm so missing being home...
The notion of being on a working computer (my laptop is on life support at the moment), of being with the kitties, of sleeping on my pillow and using my blanket...it is absolute HEAVEN. And I won't even mention being around my books again LOL!
As much as we like this area and wouldn't mind relocating here some day...we've both just ready to be in our comfort zone again. Think good thoughts that we're on the road back to VA really soon!
We're currently scheduled to leave this apt. next weekend and either move in to a hotel/store our stuff/bring the cat to temporary digs because she won't be allowed to be in a hotel, or go home. As you can imagine, I'm working realllly hard to go home.
Some issues have come up this morning with Mark's big project that could mean we'll be here quite a while longer...or we may be going home in the next 48 hours. The thought of being in a hotel room for 4-8 weeks just sounds like hell on earth at this juncture.
I'm so missing being home...
The notion of being on a working computer (my laptop is on life support at the moment), of being with the kitties, of sleeping on my pillow and using my blanket...it is absolute HEAVEN. And I won't even mention being around my books again LOL!
As much as we like this area and wouldn't mind relocating here some day...we've both just ready to be in our comfort zone again. Think good thoughts that we're on the road back to VA really soon!