Tuesday, January 17, 2006

the P&E poll

A lot of folks have weighed in on this poll and the debates have been interesting.

Angie (Brianna's Mommy) weighed in on the book Laser Kill here

Baen author John Ringo discusses his book as a romance finalist in this post here
After reading his post I simply had to vote for him. I'm hoping to win a 'red shirt' from him some day.

Some of the nominations just made me shake my head. Among many other questionable entries, the new Baen magazine (Baen's Universe)
was nominated as best magazine of 2005. The only problem is that the magazine doesn't even launch until mid 2006! I know it will be a phenomenal magazine, but...LOL! Can we let it launch before it is in the running for an award?

It is too bad that this poll only requires an email address in order for a person to vote. Until the voting restrictions are tightened, it will never be taken as more than a popularity contest.


<$BlogCommentAuthor$> said...
