Thursday, January 12, 2006

Rant to our upstairs neighbor

Dear Punk...I mean...Sir

We all share this apartment building, yet, in the past few months, I've noticed that you don't really seem to give any consideration to your neighbors.

Case in point...last Saturday night.

You and your freak parade pounded on the floors, which if you didn't know, connect to my damn ceiling, to the point that my windows rattled. What were you doing? Playing pin the tail on the elephant? At 3 am?

I'm ever so happy that you have an active sex life and even more happy that someone wants to procreate with your punk a** but do I have to hear every moan, scream and whimper from you. Its not exactly masculine, is it? Its akin to torturing a gerbil. Do you think we get all aquiver listening to *bang bang* *Male yet feminine screech*, *Bored female voice*, etc. I may never have sex again after listening to that.

When you have your friends coming and going in the wee hours, do you think you could control them? People BANGING on my bedroom window to wave at my cat at 4 am can often be construed as a threat.

And be warned, Punk. If you try this party again, we WILL call the police.


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