Oh my aching...
I've been having back problems that are getting worse and worse. Part of the problem is the terrible ergonamics at my desk. I need to get a new one...soon! Part of it is that I hold all my tensionin my shoulder and back. It is catching up with me in a big way. I've been on medication for a day and a half now and am STARTING to be able to turn my neck, though turning from the hips is just a pipe-dream for now!
I'd like to say thatI've been reading while resting, but I've been way too spacy for that! I haven't even finished a book yet!
The moral of this little tale of pain? Walk around once an hour to stretch those muscles!
I'd like to say thatI've been reading while resting, but I've been way too spacy for that! I haven't even finished a book yet!
The moral of this little tale of pain? Walk around once an hour to stretch those muscles!