Tuesday, February 28, 2006

How many desks will it take?

Mark has started a new branch office of his company...in our rec room. They hope to lease office space and hire some more folks as events warrant, but for now, the office will be located in our rec room, formerly the library.

So...Mark had to order some office furniture. He ordered a desk and a chair from a well known company a week and a half ago. They ran the charge through, promised delivery on Monday Feb 20 and all was good...or so we thought.

Monday came and the chair arrived. No desk. The desk had been mistakenly left off the truck and would be delivered the next day. Okay...no problem.

Tuesday came...no desk...why? Mark called the customer service center and was told oops, it would *definitely* be there Weds. AND they'd have a supervisor call Mark. Famous last words.

Wednesday dawns...surely a desk will grace our doorstep....PLEASE LORD...Mark's irritation was beginning to rub off on me.

Weds. brought a BUNCH of calls to and from this company's 'customer service' and lo and behold, the story CHANGED. Now the desk was never intended to be delivered before Weds. but it would be there for sure by 5 Pm. If not, two (count 'em TWO) supervisors offered to reverse the charges AND still deliver the desk, as promised if it didn't arrive before 5 on Weds Feb 22. So...again, plans were changed and Mark waited...and waited.

5 Pm came and the desk? Was just a dream.

Thrsday, we got even more proactive and started speaking with local stores. One was very helpful and Mark started bugging corporate. By Thursday, they couldn't explain why the desk hadn't arrived but it WAS 'on the truck' and would DEFINITELY be here before 5. Yeah, we'd heard THAT story before! Oh, and the free desk? Not happening. They'd give us a 10.00 gift card for the 'inconvenience'.

20 hours he spent chasing info over a 4 day period. That is considerably MORE than inconvenience.

At about 8 Pm on Thursday, someone from corporate called Mark, claiming that the desk was no longer for sale at the company, saying the charges had been reversed and there would be no desk.

Imagine Mark's shock when he discovered that A) The desk is still for sale on this company's website and B) The desk is more than twice the price advertised in the weekly circular, even though the sale period had not yet expired and C) no refund has been processed.

So, when he found this out Friday, he called both customer service and corporate. They assured him that they weren't price fixing and that they would honor the sale price as a special 'courtesy'. Courtesy? Okkkay.

Mark fell for it and ponied up another credit card transaction. Later he discovered that the original order and case number had been 'accidentally' deleted from this company's computer system.

The desk would arrive on Monday yadda yadda.

Yesterday came...and the desk? Didn't. Gee, that was unexpected, huh?? Now, they claim AGAIN that the desk doesn't exist any more, EVEN though they're offering it as in stock and for sale at this moment in time.

So, we're out two transacations, both of which the company CLAIMS will/have been reversed, though they show as full charges on our online banking statement. Mark still doesn't have a desk...and he's got very little patience.

He's contacted the BBB and the consumer affairs commission for both our state and county, as well as the county in which the company headquarters is located.

So after two desks, hours and hours on the phone and hundreds of dollars expended, Mark STILL doesn't have a desk.


Monday, February 20, 2006

Feb TBR challenge complete!

I haven't been able to be at my desk as much as usual and as a result, I'm finally able to get some reading in!

This weekend, I completed the TBR challenge organized by Angie
The Feb. challenge was to read a new to you author and I chose Rachel Lee's With Malice.

Here are my thoughts and impressions...

Title:With Malice

Author:Rachel Lee

Year published:2004

Why did you get this book? I read a review for her newest book (Crimson Code) and learned that it was part of a series, which started with a book called Wildcard. Wildcard is the sequel to With Malice so there ya go ;) I've been dying to read a nice taut romantic suspense, so this suited.

Do you like the cover?Eh, not really. It would have been better on a hurricane book.

Did you enjoy the book?Yep, I really enjoyed it.

While this book was advertised as a romantic suspense, I found it to be much more mainstream suspense with a slight romance sub plot.

The book opens on a high note, when an elderly woman is murdered while trying to save a younger woman from an attack. The reader quickly learns that the elderly murder victim is a long-time family friend/nanny to a very influential senator and as for the other victim...well, she had a more carnal connection to the senator. This senator has presidential aspirations and the scandal involved in the younger woman's murder could sink his career for good. His chief aide does the unthinkable and moves the younger woman's body, setting off a chain of events that bring together the local homicide detective, a woman who suspects that things aren't quite what they seem.

And this was just the first twenty or so pages. The book was set up very well and carried me along on a ride that, while somewhat predictable, was engrossing.

I never really felt the romance plot, but I didn't mind because the suspense plot held my attention so well.

Was the author new to you and would you read something by this author again? I have a few Rachel Lee books, but this was the first I'd read. I'm actually reading Wildcard (the sequel) now.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The sound of silence

I used to work nights and I really enjoyed it. I fondly remember thoe quiet moments when the world was silent and the peace just radiated through me. This morning, I'm embracing that moment and feeling.

Since returning home from Chicago, life has been...chaotic...to say the least. Between family illnesses, personal challenges, a violently ill kitty, Mark's job craziness and the stress of him settling into a home office and telecommuting, etc., it has been frenetic. I haven't taken any time for myself at all.

This morning, I am.

Yeah, I'm working, but I have on some soothing music and Nala is sitting nearby and sleepily reaching for my hand. Despite all the insanity and stress, I feel that this is a real gift. I hadn't realized that I missed it so much.

When I get in these insomniac phases, I often wake up in a blind panic, but today I just hopped out of bed at the robust hour of...was it 2:30 and decided to work for a while. The silence, the peace, really takes me back to the time five plus years ago, when work would be winding down for me and I'd check email every ten minutes, hoping Mark had finished his work day halfway around the world.

Even though I've been up early countless times, I can't remember the last time I watched a sunrise. I'll be watching one today!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

What a long week :(

One of our cats (Nala) has been quite ill since Weds. The vet isn't 100% sure what is wrong but he's pretty sure its 'nothing terrible' and that she'll be okay. Now, we just have to get little Nala eating again. She's been absolutely miserable, poor little one.

If you can spare some positive thoughts for Nala, we'd really apprecicate it.

I haven't been sleeping well since we returned from Chicago a week ago. I've been averaging two to three hours of sleep on my best nights and I'm just absolutely exhausted. If Nala feels up to it, I'd just like to snuggle up on the couch with her for a while this weekend.

*Yawn* Why am I at my desk and working at 4:30 am??