Tuesday, October 25, 2005

absolutely disgusted

Warning, rant within.

So, my husband took a new job, and that's great but we're thoroughly screwed for medical insurance until his kicks in after a month. Let's not even go into the fact that his plan is from a co. based in the midwest and there isn't even much coverage on the East coast. and the fact that if we don't get interim coverage, he can't be covered for his pre-existing condition for twelve MONTHS!

Do you have any idea how much non-insured insulin costs? At current uninsured prices, 869.00 a month. Ouch.

I've spent some time today calling insurance companies and the *CHEAPEST* I can get for myself is 582.00 a MONTH/cheaptest for Mark is about 750 a month.

What does this 582 a month cover? 50.00 co-pay for my primary physician, 100.00 co-pay for any specialists (like my eye doctor), no perscription drug plan, no coverage for things like mammograms (With a huge instance of breast cancer in my maternal lines, mammograms are NEEDED) etc.

There is NO way we can affford that, unless we cut out some necessities like electricity, or food. And that is the *CHEAPEST* comprehensive plan. In order to get perscription drugs, wellness, vision, etc. we're talking well OVER 800.00 a month. For me alone!

I've been seeing a chiropractor for my back issues in the last month, but otherwise, I haven't been ill much in my life. I've had one hospitalization, a few visits to the ER and thats it in 15 years. And it wasn't as if they asked about any preexisting conditions...they took my name, address, SS# and quoted a price that is double if not triple or quadruple what the wesbites say. I can't fathom WHY and nobody has been able to tell me why either.

When did health insurance becomes something only the rich can afford? How many of you reading can swing 582.00 a month for yourself (not counting spousal coverage, kids, etc.) or almost 1300 a month for you plus spouse and not suffer. That's almost 7000.00 a year for me alone/15600 for us both. That is a mortgage or rent in an expensive area...that's a new CAR a year...

I just can't get over this. I'm beyond disgusted right now.


<$BlogCommentAuthor$> said...
